
Will Windows Phone 8 have an Advert Tile?

WP8 Start Screen Now with Adverts

There is yet a lot we do not know near Windows Phone 8. What we do know is that it volition share many things in common with the slightly newer Metro inspired UI's of the Xbox 360 and Windows 8. Let us discuss the recent trend with Microsoft inserting advertising into its products using metro tiles. These adverts are already present in Windows viii and the Xbox 360. Will those advertizing tiles be making an advent in Windows Phone 8 likewise?

WP Central Apollo Mockup with Ads

The Xbox 360 has inverse its dashboard of late so that it at present actually displays a reduced in size game tile that sits in the height left paw of the main screen. The residue of the UI consists of a huge central tile with rolling ads for content and features, whist in the bottom right there is an actual advertizing.

If we look at the Windows 8 Release Preview, we tin can run across some similar ideas being tried out. Admittedly, not on the home screen (even so), but inside the Music and Video Hubs in that location exists placeholders for adverts. Information technology's also worth noting that where an advertisement placeholder doesn't be in a hub, similar Xbox alive games, the first place you are taken to is a multi-tiled avert folio for the Marketplace games content.

Windows 8 Music Hub Advert Placeholder

I happen to pay for Xbox Live Gilt subscription; I find the ads on the main landing page pretty odorous. Adverts and promotions on Xbox 360 actually side-line my own paid content (you know the game I spent £40 on!) to a tiny tile on the screen. 1 would wait that the actual game would occupy the main tile in the middle of the screen.

The Xbox pattern is an extreme example of advertising beingness shoehorned into a Microsoft's product. I do wonder volition nosotros see adverts supplementing more of their operating systems income. I see no reason why an advert tile couldn't be on the Starting time screen of both Windows viii and Windows Telephone viii, the potential income could be huge. After all, the adverts be on a Microsoft production that folks are already paying a subscription for, why not have that farther?

Would you object to adverts on your start screen? Where exercise you lot run across this trend going? I'd dear to know your thoughts..


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